Hello my fellow stitchers & friends!
So yes the county fair is coming to town! And it's just around the corner (yikes)! Time goes by too fast and here it is now just 18 days until entries must be turned in (gulp). I don't know if I'll get anything done in time, but I've decided to give it a shot. Along with entering something into the fair, I can also purchase 2 tickets that will give me free parking and entry all 11 days into the fair for only $20! That's a great deal.
So, what piece am I going to scramble to get finished in time? Well, I decided working on one of my WIP/UFO's would be best. Do you remember Elemental Cosmos? Here is a picture of what it will (mostly) look like finished as well as where I was when I picked it back up again just a couple days ago ...

So what's left is filling in all the sections within the star and circle. Where the stars are I'm planning on adding some iridescent beads to give that little something extra. The challenge with this piece is stitching on the black evenweave fabric. And in some places it's black floss ... so stitching black on black is a HUGE challenge. But I have to admit I really like how it looks. :~) So I'm starting with the bottom section and will work my way around. Do you all think I can get it finished in time? I sure hope I can. Just 18 days (maybe 19) to get it completely finished, washed, ironed and framed. The entire design is 135 stitches wide by 146 stitches high. That doesn't sounds like a whole lot, but it's solid stitches. And like I said the black evenweave is a challenge.
So that's the agenda for the moment. If you see me on Facebook, please send me a shoutout to get back to stitching so I keep on track lol. I can use all the support & encouragement & motiviation that I can get to get this finished in time lol.
Thank you my friends!!!
Happy Stitching!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥
WOW you are doing great.
I know you can make it... you are a super stitcher. LOL
keep at it - i am sure you will be able to get it done in time, i'm working on black evenweave at the moment as well so i know your pain lol!
Thank you Maureen & Dawn :~)
Margie my name is Shelley Lee. I sent you an email from Wiccanslair@aol.com about this pattern. Would you please get back to me? I have a proposition for ya! lol. You may like it :) I didn't know how often you check it so that is why I am writing to ya here. Hope you don't mind. AWESOME work btw :)
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