Monday, January 6, 2014

It's a New Year & 2014 Will Be a Year of Finishes For Me!

Hi there Friends! 

Yes, I am still here. I have not done hardly any stitching since my last post, as my daughter started having seizures a lot. They now have her on 3 medications and we're hoping that will finally keep the seizures at bay. 

So as I said, it's a new year! And I want to get some finishes under my belt this year!!! I picked back up the WWS Tribal Penguin when I was finally able to go back to the local stitchalong this past Saturday. I didn't get a lot done, but I did have a good time. And I certainly needed that! I'm going to get that finished up and then I am going to stitch the Monopoly board that I have had for quite some time. Once I finish stitching it, we're going to build a table and put a thick poly coating over the top so it will be a permanent Monopoly table! I'm really excited about it & can't wait to see it all finished. 

So the fair will be here in just a few months. I need to get busy if I want to get my penguin and Monopoly table finished in time to enter them! The dates to turn in entries are April 11th-12th. I have never seen anyone enter a piece of furniture with cross stitch as a permanent part of it entered into the fair before. That could be a very good thing! 

I have some awesome news!!! I have opened up my very own Etsy shop! I am working on designing some cross stitch patterns. As of right now, I have one of my cross stitch patterns up for sale in my Etsy shop. There are more in the works and will be released soon! You can find my Etsy shop here ... 

It's a new day, it's a new year, and I'm feeling good!!! 
(yes, I know those aren't the exact lyrics, but they are MY lyrics!) 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥