Tonite while working on a new post on my blog, I received a message from a great friend telling me that she has given me an award! I am so honored to receive this award! Thank you very much, Dawn!!!
I have never really thought of myself as a Spreader of Love. I am often very critical of myself and told by friends & family (and even former supervisors that I worked for!) that I am my own worst enemy. Even former supervisors, when I worked for them, would say that I criticize myself even more than they do! I like very much to do anything in my power to help people to be happy. I try my best to cheer them up if they are down, motivate if they are struggling, and support them in any endeavor they attempt. To me, this is just me doing what I do. And for someone as wonderful as Dawn to present me with this award is so special & amazing to me.
The rules of the award are to select 5 people that I think deserve this award. Let me just start by saying I think there are so many people that I believe are deserving of this award. So many fellow bloggers have been so kind to me since I started my blog. It is definitely going to be very tough to narrow it down to a mere five. If I could present the award back to Dawn, I would absolutely do so. She is so supportive & such a kind person. She is always one of the very first to comment on every single post that I make. I always look forward to & appreciate her comments.
Here are the 5 amazing people that I have chosen for this award ...
Ashley bcuz you are so much fun & your comments always make me smile!
Romantic Fool bcuz your words of encouragement always keep me going.
Meari bcuz your comments are kind & supportive & really help me to keep it real.
Terry bcuz you are not only supportive in stitching but you are also a fellow Autism supporter with a child on the Autism spectrum and that is so important to me. I too have a child on the Autism spectrum. Your blogs are awesome & love how you promote Autism Awareness.
Lana (A Joyful Stitcher) bcuz your comments always cheer me up & make me feel better if I am discouraged about my stitching.
I was not able to link to Lana's blog, so if anyone is able to please contact her & let her know I would really really appreciate it. And I thank you in advance for your help! :~)
Ladies, it is now up to you to select 5 other deserving people of this wonderful award! And again, I offer my thanks to Dawn for honoring me with this award! :~)
♥ Margie ♥
Hello Again My Friends!!!
Well I haven't gotten very much done on this pattern. But I haven't been able to stitch the past couple of days due to other things going on. We've had lots of errands to run, etc. But I do plan on stitching a bit tonite & then more tomorrow for sure. Anyway, as I've told you I am stitching this pattern along with a friend online. She is such an amazing stitcher that is lightening fast. I am really enjoying stitching along with her. But when she posts updates I get a little bit discouraged since I am not able to keep up in the least. I mean I am still working on my first page & she has already completed 4 pages! So I am going to post a picture of my progress so far, which doesn't look like anything yet, and then I'll post a couple of updates that my friend has posted, all in a matter of days of each other. It is truly amazing at how much stitching she is able to complete in such a short amount of time.
Here is my progress so far ...

So here it is so far. No longer looks like I'm stitching a cow, but it's obvious that you can't tell what it is to become yet. But I'll get there ... one stitch at a time. I am really enjoying stitching this pattern. Oh! Also I ordered some "stitchers tools" which should be arriving tomorrow that will help me along the way. One tool is a floss organizer so that I can cut several strands of floss ahead of time. The other is a needle organizer so that I can pre-thread all the colors of floss for this pattern & won't have to worry about re-threading for each color. Can't wait to get those! :~D
Ok, so now here are my friend's latest updates.

2 pages completed by my friend.

4 pages completed.
We started this pattern together on January 19th. On January 22, my friend had her first page finished. Then her second page was finished on January 24th. As of yesterday, January 27, she had completed both her third and fourth pages. And I am still working on the popcorn/confetti stitching of my first page. But I'll get there. I had one friend that compared me to a turtle & my SAL friend to a cheetah. But not in a bad way. She also said it's like taking a road trip. My kind of stitching is like being on a road trip & seeing all the sights along the way & truly enjoying the trip. My SAL friend's kind of stitching is like being on a road trip & only stopping for gas along the way. I am absolutely sure that my friend that is also stitching Wicca is also really enjoying stitching the piece, so I am not so sure that this is quite the right metaphor. I think that she just is so excited about the pieces that she stitches that she is able to really stitch fast! I'm like a Volkswagon Bug and she's a Ferrari! LOL!!!
So there is our progress so far! I will post more soon!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥