Hello My Fellow Stitchers!!!
Well here I am 3 days into this pattern and I am really loving it!!! I know this is going to take me a long time to get this piece finished. But it doesn't matter. It's so fun & exciting so far. As I said before, one of my online stitching friends & I are stitching this one together, so to speak. We both started on Monday. Now, technically it is Friday (after 2 in the morning however) so we're 4 days into it. But today doesn't really count so far. And my friend stitches soooooooooooooo fast!!! I was intimidated & nervous about stitching along with her bcuz of how fast she stitches, however I am beginning to think that her lightening fast needle is motivating me a little more. Hopefully other areas of my life won't suffer bcuz of it tho. LOL. As you can see it is after 2am in the morning and I am still awake. And don't have plans on going to bed anytime soon bcuz I just want to stitch & stitch & STITCH!!! I am loving stitching this pattern. Anyway, so my friend started stitching this piece in the top center of the pattern & I started on the bottom center of the pattern. So our pieces will each look different as we progress. I have finished all the black on the page that I am working on. And so I thought I would post an update!!! And I also wanted to show you just how fast my friend stitches & post a picture of her progress so far. She has already finished a full page and is working fast on the next page.
So here is my progress so far ...

This is a close up of my progress so far on the page I am working on which is the middle page of the bottom of the pattern. I have finished all of the black on this page.

This is my progress so far from further back. I thought it would be good to show both views.

This is my friend's progress so far. This is the middle page of the top of the pattern. She has completely finished this page, which obviously has more stitches in it than the page I am working on. This lady has 4 kids, three of which are in school. And the fourth is a 2 year old who is home with her all day. I also have a 2 year old home with me all day. However, she did say that her 2 year old likes to play by herself all day while her siblings are at school. So my friend apparently gets a lot of quiet time to stitch for hours where as I don't have that luxury with my 2 year old. So I'm guessing that is how she is able to get so much stitching done each day. I am just in awe at how quickly she is able to stitch!
So I will post both of our progress as we stitch this piece!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥