Hiya Stitching Friends!
I have finished 2 more ATC's! I'm really excited about them and love how they turned out. Can't wait to hear how the recipients like them. I'm putting them in the mail today and then they will make their way across the country and ocean over to the UK. I really hope they like them.
The first one is the theme Letter N. I wanted to pick a letter N that was sort of different and something fun. Here is what I came up with ...

Isn't it cute?! I think it falls in both the different and fun categories don't you? I love the bright colors.
The next theme was FIFA. This was a bit harder to find a pattern for. Although I wanted something more than just a soccer ball, it was what I ended up doing. But I still like how it turned out.

What do you think? I think the black cardstock background makes the rest of it really pop.
Here are the Letter N and FIFA ATC's that I received ...

Aren't they cute? I just love the Piglet Letter N! And the bear playing soccer is adorable!
Our ATC group on Facebook is not doing an exchange for July. But I'm really looking forward to August! I still haven't received my oriental theme ATC from May. Apparently there was a mix-up and it was unknowingly sent to the wrong person. Hopefully it will find it's way home to me soon. :~)
Now to get some work done on some of my WIPs! So much to stitch and so little time ...
Happy Stitching!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥