Sunday, January 16, 2011

And So We Begin 2011 ,..

Hello Friends ~

Here we are nearly three weeks into the new year. How are things going with your crafting goals for 2011 so far? As for me, while my kids and I were visiting family for Xmas, I started working on the red rose pattern that is my brother's artwork and the pattern created and colored by White Willow Stitching. Since visiting family always seems to be a busy venture, I wasn't able to get a whole lot of stitching done on it while I was there. But I did at least get it started. I don't have a picture of what it will look like when it's finished to show you. You see, when the pattern was designed with the red colors, the picture would come out blurry. So the designer needs a finished model in order to create the cover page picture and also the picture for the WWS website. However, if you'd like to get an idea of what it will look like just click HERE, and you will see the roses that have been released so far. Just picture one of the same roses that you see there but in red. And that is what I'm working on. As much as I would like to have this piece finished and sent to WWS so that she can post the pattern for sale for her February 1st release, I think it will be more along the lines of her March 1st release instead. She has some other patterns that she is working on from my brother's artwork, as well as a few more rose colors, for a total of nine, that she can post in the meantime. Jamie has some amazing patterns on her site and the prices are excellent!

It seems to me that just when I think I have gotten past all the gift giving type holidays then another one is right around the corner. And then I have something else that must get made. Or life gets chaotic or my stitching/creative bug runs and hides. These times always seem to get to me. And then I tend to get even more discouraged. So what to do to avoid those feelings?

I have some WIPs that I'll post some pictures of sometime soon, as well as some must do pieces that I'll need to get started. I'd like to get at least one, maybe two, pieces finished in time for the county fair, which starts in just 87 short days. It sounds like a lot, but if you or your life is anything like mine, it will fly by in a flash.

So here's to a most successful and productive year for all of us!

Happy Stitching & Crafting!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥