Hello Everyone!!!
I am so excited to be working on HAED's Pale Rose! August was quite busy, so I didn't get as much stitching time in as I would have liked to. I started Pale Rose on August 10th and worked on it off and on through out the month until last night. I probably was able to stitch about 12 or so days out of the 21. So it's not much progress, but I think it's still turning out good. I started the pattern on page 31, which is the bottom left corner. I have only been stitching one color so far which is DMC 3770. Most of this page is that color. So out of the 16 10x10 squares that I worked on, I have done nearly 1600 stitches of DMC 3770. Obviously it doesn't look like anything at all yet, and will be quite some time before it does start to look like anything. Since my friend and I decided to stitch our SAL one month on and one month off, I won't be posting any September progress on this design. The next post with this design will be October progress.
Here is what Pale Rose will look like when she is all finished ...

I am going to finish all of the 3770 stitches on this page and then I will go thru and do the rest of the colors on the page, then I will work my way thru the pages to the right until I reach the edge of of the pattern. After that I will move to the next row of pages and so on until it's all done.
So during September, I have a lot going on, but plan on finishing a couple of small pieces and then some more on Henry. Also I have some aprons that I have to make for orders that were placed.
Tomorrow my mom is flying in from Texas. I'm so excited!!! Then on Thursday, my mom and the kids and I are driving to Sacramento to pick up my brother, as he is moving in with my husband and the kids and I! I am really excited about it!!! My husband and son haven't met my brother yet, and my daughter hasn't seen him since she was 5. So we're all REALLY looking forward to him being here. We have to clean out and organize our garage bcuz we are going to build a couple walls in there so create his own bedroom. Then the other half of the garage is going to be my craft & business area. It's going to be so great. And we are going to be really busy LOL.
Well I'm off to run a couple errands and then do a little more around the house to get ready for my Mom to be here!!!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥