Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Whoa! Where Has the Time Gone?!!!

Hello Friends & Fellow Crafters! 

What a busy year it has been so far! Here we are already one third of the way through the year and I haven't gotten much stitching done at all. I have been super busy with my Bottle Caps crafts. It has been so much fun! Have you visited my Crafting with Bottle Caps page on Facebook? I have been making bottle cap jewelry, needle minders and magnet sets! They have been SO much fun to make! I am just trying to make some extra money since I am unable to work due to needing to be home for my daughter who has autism and epilepsy. 

I need to get back on working on some stitching. I have to get my Tribal Teapot finished within a month. These next couple of days I am finishing framing up and preparing my three entries for the local county fair. Plus my daughter is entering three pieces of her artwork! I am entering Let's Be Wicked, Rules for Life and Goonies Never Say Die. I have to turn them in on Friday. Then the first day of the fair is next Thursday, April 16th and that's when we'll be able to find out how we did. We are so excited! Once we get them all ready for the fair, I will post pictures. 

Here is my Tribal Teapot so far ... 

 photo Progress202_zpsqkpkg0n7.jpg

I will be making some more progress on it and hopefully get it finished in time for Mother's Day! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥