Saturday, September 28, 2013

Update on Rules for Life By Kincavel Krosses

Hi there Fellow Stitching, Crafting & Blogging Friends! 

Well I hope you all are doing great! I on the other hand, have had a very frustrating day. I was moving along really well on Rules for Life and making some great progress. And then I got to this point ... 

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And that's when I realized, I messed up my count on the border length from side to side and it was 10 stitches short. Once I figured out my error, I was super frustrated thinking I would have to rip out all of my stitches and start over in order to correct it. Stitching the words on the inside of the border has been a lot of fun, but stitching the border was a bit on the monotonous, so the thought of having to stitch the entire border all over again was dreadful. And then someone suggested that I simply remove the stitching on the right side of the border and the Love part, and then just restitch that where it was supposed to be. I counted everything out to make sure there wasn't more that I needed to stitch and figured out, that suggestion would work! What a relief! So now, I am frogging like crazy to get back on track. But I feel so much better knowing I don't have to frog & restitch as much as I had originally thought. I mean I've done nearly 3000 stitches and really didn't want to have to restitch all of it. 

So that's today's update on Rules for Life! 

Happy Stitching & Crafting Everyone! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rules For Life Update ...

Hello Friends and Fellow Stitchers and Crafters! 

Here we are nearing the end of September already! Seems the closer we get to the end of the year, the faster it goes by. 

I still haven't started working on the WWS Tribal Cat as I just found the floss I'm going to use a couple of days ago. I'll be using ThreadworX Indian Tapestry. Once I get it stitched, I'm going to give it to one of my Mom's best friends that I've known since I was a little girl, who loves cats. I think she'll really like it. 

What I have been working on is Kincavel Krosses Rules for Life.  I've gotten the entire border stitched and have started on the words inside. The border, which is nearly 2000 by itself, was a little monotonous, but I'm glad to have the words started, which has made it fun again. Here is my progress of the border so far ... 

Blog photo 8fb80d66-2398-4f05-8739-a50978a42c02_zps774db6cf.jpg

I also have an ATC that I stitched for one of the ATC swap groups that I am in on Facebook. But can't post that pic just yet as she is on my friends list on Facebook and might see this post. And I don't want to ruin the surprise. The theme we were stitching was Jobs and so we had to stitch something that represented the job that the person has. What I stitched was something that I designed myself. I'm really excited about it and so happy with how it came out. Can't wait till she receives it so that I can post a pic! 

Well that's all I have for now! Should be posting another update very soon! 

Happy Stitching and Crafting Everyone! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥