I am so thrilled & excited! I never thought I'd have a blog that so many others like to look at & read!!! And today I am the recipient of not just one award, but THREE!!!
I was awarded today with two awards from Dawn!!! Thank you so much. So very sweet of you to nominate my blog!

Here are the rules when you select your people for the award:
1) Put the logo on your blog;
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
And the Awards I Chose go to ...
1. Juls ~ Your blog is so nice! I love seeing all your stitched pieces!
2. Lana ~ I just love all the fun & humor you put in all of your blog posts!!!
3. Sharon ~ Your blog is so pretty & organized! I love reading your posts!
4. CC ~ I love seeing all of your progress on your blog!
5. Mercy ~ I enjoy looking at your stitching photos! And Serendipity! How fun!
6. Dawn B ~ I love seeing your stitching progress & your blog is so much fun & "blinkie"!!!
7. Rachel S ~ I enjoy reading your blog & seeing your stitching!