Recently I have had the opportunity to participate in a cross stitch Round Robin. For those of you that don't know what a round robin is, I'll explain how this particular Round Robin works. Some may work differently. With this Round Robin, there are four stitchers participating. We each have selected a theme that we want our piece to entail. One lady chose Faeries, another chose Angels, another chose Frogs, and I chose Bunnies. Then we each prepared a piece of aida by gridding the sections that each person will stitch on. We stitched a design in one of the sections for our chosen theme. Then we mail our piece off to the next person. They stitch a design that matches the new piece that we just received in the mail. For example, my theme is Bunnies, so the person I mailed my piece to will stitch a Bunnie themed design in one of the gridded areas on my aida fabric. Then she will mail my piece to the next person and they will do the same & so on until the piece is mailed back to me all finished! With the theme I chose, I am planning on framing & hanging the finished piece in my daughter's room. One of her favorite animals is Bunnies. And her favorite color is pink. The design that I stitched on my piece is one that I found in a book I have. However, the original design was much too small & I wanted to make it much more personal for my daughter. I changed the pattern quite a bit, making it larger and changing some of the colors & tweaking the design to work the way I wanted it to. Here are pictures of my gridded aida fabric & the design that I stitched. This was my very first Round Robin that I have participated in and so far I have found it to be quite fun!!! I definitely plan on participating in others in the future! Another great thing about this Round Robin, is that the finished piece will have four different stitched designs that have all been stitched in different countries of the world!!! How cool is that!!!