Hi there Stitchy Friends!
So one of my best friends and her husband are having a baby girl. She is due early September and we are all very excited. They have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. And I knew from the time she told me she was pregnant that she would be having a baby girl. So I had been looking at birth announcements on all kinds of sites, and looking thru my pattern books, etc. And of course there were lots of really cute ones. But none of them seemed to fit just right. My friends and I are huge football fans. We always anxiously await the football season all spring and summer long. We also are all fans of different teams, which always makes it interesting. So, Sara is a Dallas Cowboys fan. Spencer is a Green Bay Packers fan. And me, well I am a die hard tried & true Chicago Bears fan! The funny thing is that my friends live in one of the suburb towns of Chicago. And if any of you know football at all, you know the HUGE rivalry between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers. So originally, I was going to buy the baby a Chicago Bears onesie or something. But then Sara said Spencer would only send it back to me, which was a very good point. It would be too easy for him to return to sender. So that idea was out. Well, I have these patterns of helmets for most of the football teams. And I had planned on stitching a Dallas Cowboys one for Sara and then the Green Bay Packers one for Spencer. And I was still trying to decide on just the right birth announcement for the baby. Then one afternoon the perfect idea hit me. I decided to take both helmet patterns, make them different shades of pink and arrange them facing each other and in the middle put all of the baby's birth info! AND as an extra touch, since the baby will be born in the suburbs of Chicago, I'd add the Bears 'C' and put "Born in"! As soon as this idea came to me, I got super excited about it. It's a secret from them, obviously. And honestly, I think they are going to love it, even with the 'C' on it. So it took some time and work, but here is the pattern that I created! Keep in mind, that the details of the birth of course are not accurate bcuz Baby Audrey hasn't been born yet, but I had to put something in order to get the spacing right.

Now, I know this is kind of small to see, but if you're on my friends list on Facebook, you can see it larger
here. For the backstitching, I will use 2 strands of floss for all the names and then 1 strand for everything else in order to make the names pop a lil bit. So what do you think of it? I welcome all feedback and look forward to hearing any suggestions or ideas you have. I had so much fun putting this pattern together and can't wait to stitch it and then of course send it to my friends and hear how they like it. :~)
That's all for now! Happy Stitching Everyone!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥