Hello Everyone!
So I wanted to post an update on where I am with this angel. I am not quite finished yet. I had some issues with the beads. I thought I had the Mill Hill beads for this design, but as it turns out, I didn't. So I went to Joanns only to find out that they no longer carry Mill HIll beads. Also checked at Michaels and they no longer carry them either. How disappointing! And since the local LNS that I have been using for a couple years now is no longer in business, the closest LNS for me to go to is about 30-35 miles away. By the time I ran a couple errands with my brother's girlfriend and went to the other 2 stores, both of the LNS's that are a distance away from where I live were closed. In fact, now that I think about it at least one of them isn't even open on Mondays. Anyways, so I bought some gold seed beads at Joanns. However, I really think the Mill Hill beads that the pattern calls for are actually petite seed beads. So I am going to try the ones that I bought. I'll attach a couple and see how they look and if they look alright, then I'll just continue on and by tomorrow afternoon, this RR will be in the mail and fully complete. If they don't, well then I will be driving across town to get the Mill Hill beads. And maybe with any stroke of luck I will still get it in the mail by tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise it will have to wait until Wednesday morning. I have finished all of the metallic stitches. And am about halfway through the Wisper floss stitches. That Wisper floss is certainly not easy to work with. And since I have never used it before, I'm not entirely sure that I'm doing it correctly. I hope the recipient likes it when she receives it. I don't want to post an updated picture of the angel until I have completely finished it. So that is why you won't see a new picture just yet. :~)
However, I would like to show you how far along I am on Henry. That way you'll know where I'm starting from after I've finished the angel. I really like this pattern. It's so fun and bright and cheerful! :~) All of the snow in the design I am going to add a sparkly blending filament to give some pretty sparkle to the design. And where the pattern calls for french knots, although I really don't mind french knots at all, I am instead going to add yellow & orange iridescent beads. I think that will look so pretty.
So here is my progress of Henry ...

This pattern is really fun to stitch. Once the angel is finished & in the mail, I will begin stitching the snow and of course Henry himself! There is quite a bit of backstitching on this piece, but with this fun design, I don't think it will take me too long to get him finished.
After I finish Henry and he is safely off in the mail to his recipient, then I have decided that I will work on my Elemental Cosmos WIP with the goal of having it finished in time to enter it into the Pima County Fair this year. :~) That piece is so pretty with all the bright and vibrant colors in it. And to further highlight those colors, I am stitching the piece on black evenweave. Not an easy task, but I'm sure I'll do ok. Entries don't have to be turned in to the fair until April 9th. So that gives me almost two months to complete it.
With my stitching bug back into overdrive, it'll be full speed ahead with lots of positive thoughts of some real stitching progress!!!
Happy Stitching to you all!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥
1 comment:
Oh I cannot wait to see your angel....
Henry is looking great so far.
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