Yes that's right! I am going to be starting a new project on January 19th! Well around that date. I am going to be SAL with one of my online stitching friends. We are both going to stitch the same pattern & keep each other motivated and everything. This will be my first HAED pattern that I will be stitching. I am so excited! I have my Q-Snap floor frame all ready with the 18 count aida on it already. I bought all the floss & have it ready to go. Pattern is printed. YAY! Just have to wait for my friend to get her supplies. She lives in Canada the closest Michaels is kind of far from her home. So she will be going there the weekend of the 17th & she will be home by the 19th & that is when we'll start!!! Here are some pictures of the pattern that we will be doing, the stack of papers which is the printed pattern, me with my floor frame & the aida on it, and all 90 colors of floss for the pattern!

Heaven and Earth Designs Wicca

Here is the pattern all printed out ... all 30 pages of it!

Here I am with my Q-Snap floor frame which also has the tilt kit.

And here are all 90 colors of floss, including the Kreinik #4 braid floss. There are 2 colors that only have 1 single stitch in the entire pattern. And a few others that have 12 stitches or less in the entire pattern. Crazy! LOL.
I am really looking forward to stitching this. I would love to start now, since the friend that I will be SAL with stitches SOOOOOOOO fast!!! But I promised her that I would wait for her to get her supplies before I start. I will be sure to post my progress once we start working on it!!!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are so brave to start such a H U G E piece !!! I'll follow your adventure with great pleasure ;-)
AWE I see you changed which HAED you are going to start with. lol
Please don't tell me you are going to give up on trying the Lady in red. (sorry at 7 you are not going to get the name out of me... not awake enough)
What a beautiful piece, hard to believe it calls for that many threads! Cant wait to see your updates on this.
I am really looking forward to working on this piece. And yes, Dawn I did change which HAED I am going to start with, but I can assure you that I am still definitely going to stitch the Queen of Hearts (which is actually bigger than this design, Chiloe). I decided to do this one first since my friend wanted to SAL together on it and also since it is smaller. Thought it would be best. I look forward to posting my progress. Won't be starting it for another couple of weeks tho. I should have a couple of finishes on smaller projects (RR's) before I start this one.
Thanks so much for your support, Ladies!!! :~D
Looking forward to seeing your progress Margie!! This is such a neat piece!
That's QUITE the project! Good luck with it.
Wow - that is a gorgeous design - good luck with stitching it. I will look forward to seeing it progress.
I started Queen of Hearts a while back but decided to abdandon it as there was just no way i would ever finish it, it is huge!!
Good luck and don't get discouraged! I think that is a beautiful pattern! I've done 2 bookkeeps from HAED and loved it. I am currently working on Dragon Knot and have Queen of Hearts all kitted up and ready to go when I finish Dragon Knot. I can't see myself working on 2 HAED projects at once!
That is an amazing pattern! Looking foward to seeing your progress!
Thank you all very much for your support! I do plan on still doing Queen of Hearts still. I have some of the floss & the pattern all printed out. But I won't be starting it until after I finish this pattern. Romantic Fool, you're absolutely right. I couldn't imagine doing two HAED patterns at once. Yikes! LOL.
30 pages?!? Good Lord! I think you have your work cut out for you my friend. Best of luck!
Cross Stitch Confetti
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