I love cross stitching for lots of different reasons. I love creating art with a needle & floss. It's so exciting to watch my art come alive right in front of my eyes as I stitch one X after another! I love the feeling I get when I finish a cross stitch piece and frame it to see a fully completed piece of artwork. I have very few pieces for myself, only 2 as a matter of fact. One is a little piece & it hangs on my desk. I just love it. The other, I have only due to extenuating circumstances & is a larger piece. And it is one of my favorite pieces that I have ever stitched. I love the excitement of getting new patterns! I find it very hard at times to refrain from starting these new patterns before finishing my WIP's that I have going at the time. Hence why sometimes I have so many WIP's at one time, currently there are 8, but only 6 are shown here on my blog right now. Another reason I love cross stitching, and one of my favorite reasons, is the happiness & excitement I feel when I give a gift that is made with much love & soul put into it, and the look on the person's face when they see it for the first time. It makes me feel so good when the people receiving my stitched works of art just love it! They are all personal & stitched just for them. Nothing is random. They are all selected based on a specific reason. My Mom loves to collect teapots & teacups. So I love to stitch patterns with those items on them for her. Also I stitch a lot of "mom" patterns for her. For my Grama, I stitched a pattern of an old hymn called "The Old Rugged Cross", bcuz it was her mom's favorite hymn & I knew that my Grama would love it. And of course, I always stitch "Grama" patterns for her, as some of you have seen my most recent Grama piece, Gramas Touch a Heart, in my recent blog entries. So they are always very special for a reason. Another one of my favorite reasons that I love cross stitching, is when I get to enter a finished piece into the county & state fairs. I have entered two of my pieces into the county fair & the same two pieces into the state fair. It was so exciting from the moment that I dropped my pieces off at the fairgrounds to be judged, until the first day of the fair being open when I can go & see how my pieces did. And really the excitement continues all thru out the fair until I get to pick up my pieces & the ribbons they have received. Yes, that's right ... I have won ribbons!!! Each of the two pieces won a ribbon at each fair!!! This event has such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. I would highly recommend anyone that does cross stitching to enter their works into their local fairs. It is such a great experience. The photos you see here are photos of the pieces that I entered into the fair with the ribbons they won.

These two pieces are hung proudly in my home, with their ribbons on either side. Next time ... I am shooting for Best of Class & Best of Show!!! LOL!
So these are the reasons that I absolutely LOVE cross stitching. With nothing but positive, how can you go wrong?!
Wow I really love this post.
Congrats on the awards.
I have always wished I could enter the fairs.... maybe I will just have to try it one of these times.
I absolutely love the Beatles "64" cross stitch! That is one of my favorite songs!! That is such a wonderful idea,and I hope you don't mind but I may have to borrow it!!
Congrats on your ribbons! You work is beautiful and you deserve it!
Congratulations on the wins. Your work is lovely!
Thank you for the award too. I am so honored!
Congrats on your ribbons, Margie! I've won ribbons at the county fair for various projects (no xs, tho). It's fun, isn't it?
Beautiful finishes, I really love the 64 piece. Congrats on your ribbons!
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