Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Hello and a Very Happy New Year to You All!!! 

It is that time a year again, the New Year is just hours away (in my time zone), time to make those crafting goals! What will we get finished? What will we start? What do we want to make good progress on? For me, I have several. 

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1. Finish Queen Bee
2. Finish Red Rose
3. Finish Elemental Cosmos
4. Start and finish Tribal Teapot
5. Start and finish Save the Stitches
6. Make some good progress on Queen of Hearts
7. Make some good progress on Transformation
8. Make some good progress on Wicca
9. Make any progress on America the Beautiful
10. Make any progress on Dark Force
11. Make any progress on Monopoly Game Board


1. Make some good progress on my son's afghan
2. Make some good progress on my daughter's afghan


1. Make the Save the Stitches cross stitch piece into a table cloth
2. Start getting some aprons and stockings ready to be sewn and get some made
3. Create patterns for additional projects I'd like to start making


1. Finish getting my craft room completely and totally organized so that I can get back to sewing! 

That's quite the list for now. I will continue with my weekly rotations. Although with the new year starting on Thursday, I will be changing the rotations from Saturday thru Friday to Thursday thru Wednesday. Looking forward to a productive 2015!!! I wish you all the very best in the upcoming year!!! Happy New Year, One and All!!! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Finishes for 2014

Hello again! 

This has been a good year. My family and I are thankful for the good things that have happened and for the bad things that did not. We look forward to another good year in 2015. 

I had a more productive year in my crafting in 2014. I have cross stitch finishes, and a ribbon for one. I have started a new crafting venture with bottle caps that is really fun. You can find Crafting with Bottle Caps on Facebook. 

Here are my 2014 Cross Stitch Finishes ...

White Willow Stitching's Tribal Penguin

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Ursula Michael's Let's Be Wicked

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Ursula Michael's Let's Hug Brother

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Goonies Never Say Die (purchased on Etsy)

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Kincavel Krosses' Rules for Life

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These were not very large designs, but they were not small ones either. So I feel a sense of accomplishment to have finished them all in one year. I hope for more finishes in 2015. 

Also, I have made several bottle cap needle minders, magnets and necklaces! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fleece Tied Blankets & Pillows for My Kids

Hello Friends & Fellow Crafters!!! 

As you know from my previous post, there was not time for stitching this past week due to the holiday and preparations for such. I'd like to show you the fleece blankets and pillows that I made for my kids. I think they came out really well and my kids just loved them! For both of them, I used King sized pillows to make them nice and big and fluffy. The blankets are about the size of a full sized bed so that they don't outgrow their blankets!

For my daughter, the theme was Hello Kitty. She is a huge HK fan. 

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For my son, who is a very big Star Wars fan, the theme was Darth Vader. Since the Darth Vader fabric was blacks, grays & bluish grays, for the opposing fabric, I used plain red fleece, since that is the color of Darth Vader's lightsaber. 

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That is all I have for now. I will continue with my rotation this week and that project will be the White Willow Stitching Tribal Teapot, which will be a gift for my Mom. ♥

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Weekly Rotation #8 ~ Red Rose 12/13-12-19

Hi there Everyone! 

With this past week's rotation, I was working on Red Rose by White Willow Stitching. The artwork is by my brother! With preparations for the holidays, there wasn't much time for stitching, but I did manage to get in a few stitches. 

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With Christmas coming up next week, I will most likely have no time for stitching, as I need to make my daughter's & son's fleece tied blankets and pillows. My daughter's is Hello Kitty and my son's is Darth Vader. So there won't be a weekly rotation. 

I want to wish all of you who celebrate a very Merry Christmas!!! 

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Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Weekly Rotation #7 ~ Queen Bee 12/06-12/12

Hello Everyone! 

Well, I got a bit more of the apple area on Queen Bee done this week. It was a bumpy week, so I kind of had a hard time finding the motivation. But I did make some progress and progress is progress, right?! 

So here we are on Queen Bee ...

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Up next in the rotation is Red Rose by White Willow Stitching. The artist is my brother! He drew the rose without any color and WWS designed the cross stitch design in several different color roses. The one that I am working on is the Red Rose, but bcuz WWS was not able to get a good mock up picture of the design in red, I am stitching it up so that she will be able to use my stitched picture for the pattern cover. Here is what the rose design looks like in black. But just picture it in red! 

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I am stitching the design on 14ct aida. It seems weird to be doing since lately, I have been doing most of my stitching on 18ct and also recently 25ct. But I know the end result will look great! I hope my brother likes it! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Friday, December 5, 2014

Weekly Rotation #6 ~ Rules for Life 11/29-12/04

Hi there Friends, Family and Fellow Crafters! 

Great news! As you can see, this isn't my normal Saturday post following a full week of stitching. The reason for that is ... I HAVE A FINISH!!! Yes, that's right, I have finished Rules for Life by Kincavel Krosses! I finished it last night. This is Finish #5 for 2014! I am loving the progress that I am making on all of my projects by doing this rotation! It is really working out well for me. 

Without further delay, here is my finished Rules for Life! 

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Since this piece is finished with a day left to spare in the weekly rotation, I was trying to decide what to work on. I thought about working on one of my other projects. I also thought about starting a new Rules for Life, but in different colors, which I do want to do anyway. I also thought about just starting on Queen Bee a day early. After all that thinking, I decided that just adding the extra day to my Queen Bee rotation is best. 

So next up on the rotation, Queen Bee by Unconventional Cross Stitch! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Weekly Rotation #5 ~ Queen Bee 11/22-11/28

Hello Everyone! 

Well this week's stitching rotation was Queen Be by Unconventional Cross Stitch. With the holiday this week, there wasn't as much stitching time permitted, but I did get some stitching in. The outline is completely finished and I started coloring it in! 

Here is my weekly rotation progress ... 

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Also, I have decided to concentrate on two projects for the rest of this year while doing my weekly rotations, Queen Bee and Rules for Life, until at least one of them is finished.

Next week's rotation, Rules for Life by Kincavel Krosses!!! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Weekly Rotation #4 ~ Rules for Life 11/15-11/21

Hello Friends, Family & Fellow Crafters! 

So this week's rotation was Rules for Life by Kincavel Krosses. I love working on this piece. And even though the design itself is fun to stitch, that's not what makes this piece so extra special to me. A very dear friend of mine, who was like a second Mom to me, would love to see my projects and see what new patterns I would get. One day I showed her the Rules for Life pattern that I had just got. She loved it. She said to me that she would really really like a stitched piece of that design. She had liked a lot of the patterns that I had. But she had never asked for me to stitch any of them for her. This was the first time. I absolutely was going to stitch this for her. I bought the fabric and the floss. I had some other things I needed to work on before I could start this design for her. And then last summer, completely unexpectedly, my second Mom, passed away. I was devastated, She would never get to see this piece come to life as I stitch it. She would never get to see the finished design hanging on her wall. But I knew, I still had to stitch it. Her daughter came into town from out of state to take care of Momma's things. We had never met in person, but both knew all about each other. And we all felt like family. So I decided that when I did stitch this design, that I am going to send it to Momma's daughter & family. I think that's where it belongs. And I think that's what Momma would have wanted. I really hope they will like it. 

So here is the progress that I made on Rules for Life in this weekly rotation ... 

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Next up on the stand for weekly rotation, back to Queen Bee! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sad News

Hello Everyone ... 

It is with a heavy heart that I have to tell you all about a cross stitch friend, who is a pattern designer, Love Thy Thread. Sadly, due to health issues, she is having to close up shop. She has created some beautiful pattern from extremely talented artists, as well as her own designs, which are fantastic & fun. Some of you may remember that the Mini Mermaid design that I have worked on is from her website as well as the Blossom design that my  husband is working on. Her website will remain up until the end of November and then starting on December 1st, will no longer be available. So if there are any patterns on her site that you haven't bought yet, but have on your wish list, get them now. If you haven't visited her site before, get there now & shop away! 

I am saddened at the closing of her online shop, but do understand. Her health is most important and I wish her nothing but the best and that her health improves quickly. 

Thank you all. 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Weekly Rotation #3 ~ Goonies 11/08-11/14

Hello Everyone! 

The third week of my cross stitch project rotation has come to an end, and guess what!!! I have another FINISH!!! Yes, that's right! I worked on Goonies, and with the exception of framing, Goonies Never Say Die is done! It came out really good. And I am so glad that I decided to stitch white on black instead of the black on white like the pattern called for bcuz it looks tons better. I have some ideas for the framing that I think are going to look fantastic! Stay tuned! So as of right now, I have four finishes for 2014! I am pretty happy about that! 

So here it is ... GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!

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The next project in my weekly rotation ... Rules for Life by Kincavel Krosses! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Weekly Rotation #2 ~ Queen Bee 11/01-11/07

Hello there Friends, Family & Fellow Crafters! 

Here we are after the second week of my new weekly rotation and I must say, it is going really well! Even my husband has said that I have been making great progress on my projects since starting the rotation and I'm sticking to it. 

So this week's project was Queen Bee by Unconventional Cross Stitch. Such a great design and it has been fun working on it. When I get to the color, I decided that I am going to include blending filament into the color of the wings. I'm excited to see how that comes out once I get to it! For now, I am excited about the amount of progress that I made this week! I only have one more page of the outline to stitch and then it's time to color it all in! 

Here is Queen Bee!

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Next up on the weekly rotation ... Goonies!!! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Weekly Rotation #1 ~ Queen of Hearts 10/25-10/31

Hello Friends! 

So here we are at the end of the first weekly rotation! It went really well, I think. I didn't make as much progress as I would have liked. But did manage to get in 1430 stitches out of the total 317,500 stitches that are in the entire design of Queen of Hearts. I started the design in the bottom left hand corner and have only stitched DMC 310 so far, so it looks like a block of black and nothing more. But it will get there!

Here is where I'm at for this week's progress ... 

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Next up in the weekly rotation ... Queen Bee by Unconventional Cross Stitch!!! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Monday, October 20, 2014

A New Plan ...

Hi Everyone! 

So I've been doing some thinking. Yes, I know, for us crafty people, that can be a dangerous thing lol. But this is a good thing. I have been thinking about all of the WIPs, WISPs, UFOs and new starts that I have going. And also of the lack of finishes that I have been having. A couple of years ago, other than ATCs, I had no finishes at all. Last year, there was maybe one finish. So as I said, I've been doing some thinking. I have had more finishes this year than I have in a while. But I want to really make some substantial progress on all of my WIPs, etc. So I have decided that I am going to start doing a weekly rotation. Granted, the first project in my new plan is going to be a new start, which will be Queen of Hearts by HAED. There is an event that I am involved in from a group on Facebook which calls for a new start of an HAED pattern. So no better time to start my weekly rotation plan than with the start of this event. So the weekly rotations will start on October 25th and run Saturday through Friday for each project. And unless it's an important gift that needs to be done, the projects being rotated will be existing projects. I do have a three gift projects that I need to do. One is a cute frog kit for my daughter's teacher, which needs to be done by the end of May since that is when the school year ends. The second is a set of inserts for these three little boxes. And the third is a Spongebob Squarepants design for a very dear family friend. Not sure yet where they exactly will fall into the rotation. But they will. 

So first up in the weekly rotation, Queen of Hearts! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Friday, October 17, 2014

Queen Bee Progress Update

Hi Everyone! 

Now that I am home from my trip, I am making some pretty good progress on my Queen Bee project. It's looking good, if I do say so myself. LOL. Also this week, I have been working on making some bottle cap magnets, necklaces and needle minders. I have found a great product to seal in the picture rather than just use the epoxy stickers that I was using. Will post some photos of those soon. But first ... QUEEN BEE PROGRESS!!! 

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So as you can see, it is coming along and taking shape. Lots of DMC 939, just about a full skein so far, and I think it will take a second skein to finish all of the stitches for that color. Then it will be just like coloring in a picture! 

That's all I have for now, but I wanted to be sure to get an update posted before the weekend started. Tomorrow is my local stitching get together, so there should be much more progress by the end of the weekend! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, October 12, 2014

So Much Has Been Happening!!!

Hello Everyone!!! 

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted to my blog since July! There has been a lot going on, including LOTS of stitching updates!!! First off, I haven't made much progress on the LTT Mermaid. Other projects were a higher priority, I guess. I started a few new pieces and even have a finish! So let's get to the updates, shall we?! 

First off, my new start and finish, is another Ursula Michael design, called Let's Hug Brother. I stitched this piece for my brother and gave it to him this past week when I got to see him again, after not seeing him for 4 years. He has been away and is now back home! The design called for just using DMC 310, but you all know me, and I like to do things differently, most of the time. So I used ThreadworX 1025 for the main color, which is a variegated blue. Then for a few of the phrases, I used ThreadworX 11213, which is a subtle variegated black/gray. And for the frog, I used ThreadworX 11611, which is a variegated green. I also added his name at the top, so that it looks as though it is part of the design. Below are photos of what the original design should look like, what my finished design looks like, and my brother with his gift! 

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Next, some of you might know, that September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. So in honor of that fun day, I wanted to work on a piratey themed design. My family and I are fans of the 1985 movie, The Goonies. So I started a design that says Goonies Never Say Die and has a skull with crossed swords. The pattern calls for stitching black on white fabric. Instead, I decided it would look WAY better if I stitched it with white on black fabric. I haven't finished it yet, but it's looking great so far. Below is a picture of what the design is supposed to look like and a picture of what mine looks like so far. 

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Next, I joined in on a cross stitch challenge by a cross stitch designer called Unconventional Cross Stitch. She has some fantastic designs! The one for the challenge is called Queen Bee. It's a cute design that is going to look great in my kitchen! The challenge started on October 1st, but due to travelling for a week, I haven't gotten very far yet. But I do love stitching it. Below is a photo of what it will look like and a photo of where I am so far. 

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And last but definitely not least, although I haven't started it just yet, my next start will be HAED's Queen of Hearts. It was the first HAED design that I ever bought and it's the one that made me discover HAED to begin with. The reason that I am going to be starting this design is bcuz a very good friend of mine has been working on it. I got her to start working on the Monopoly Game Board. So she says it's only fair that I need to start the Queen of Hearts. I don't have the fabric for the Queen yet, but as soon as I do, she'll be a new start and an addition to my WISP list. Below is a photo of the Queen of Hearts. 

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Well, I think that is everything that I have to report for now. Quite the list, I think. I am certainly not going to allow myself to go so long without posting to my blog from now on. LOL! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Small Update on Mini Mermaid

Hi Everyone! 

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I have made some progress on Mini Mermaid. It's not much, but it's something. Haven't been able to stitch the last few nights, and had plans on working on it tonight. But then I had to work on several posts in different online yard sale type groups for a bunch of printer ink that we have left over after our printer quit working. Then one of the groups deleted my post and blocked me bcuz they thought I was a spamming business that had found my way into their group. Still working on getting that mess straightened out. 

Anywho, so Love Thy Thread SAL Mini Mermaid. I'm just about finished with the first color on page one. 

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So that's all I have for now. My husband is home from work tomorrow, so I am definitely going to work on some stitching. 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Official New Start on Mini Mermaid

Hi Everyone! 

I know I just posted late last night about my recent finish. But this afternoon, I officially started on the Love Thy Thread Mini Mermaid SAL! So here is the pic of my new start! 

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Will have more to show soon! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Another FINISH!!!

Hi Friends & Fellow Stitchers & Crafters! 

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! I am very happy to report I have another finish!!! And this is my very first project that I've stitched that is just for ME! 

Here it is, Let's Be Wicked by Ursula Michael ... 

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All that is left to do is to iron it and frame it. I'm going to get a 12" x 12" lime green metallic frame to put it in. I think that will look great with it. Then I plan on entering it into the state fair in October. And then the county fair next April. 

Well, time to prep my fabric and get Mini Mermaid started! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Friday, July 4, 2014

Getting Close to a FINISH!

Hello Everyone! 

I'm making some good progress on Let's Be Wicked, so I thought I'd add a little post with an update! It's getting really close to being finished! 

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Looking good, right?! Should be finished within the next day or two! 

That's all that I have for right now, but will post a picture of the finished piece as soon as I'm done! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm Still Here!

Hello Friends, Stitchers & Crafters! 

Wow! Where has this year gone?! I can't believe it's almost July and we're just about exactly half way through this year. Time has gone by so fast that I didn't even realize it has been so long since I've posted here on my blog. So, needless to say, I imagine this might be quite the lengthy post. I have several updates to share. 

So first, let me tell you about my Monopoly Game Board project. In my last post, I said how I was having trouble working on it with the very large piece of fabric, since the design alone is 24" x 24" and I added extra, of course, to allow for a border. So I put it down for a while and then later, a dear friend lent me her 36" scroll frame, which works great! So I've made some more progress. But being that it's on such a large scroll frame, it's not exactly mobile, so I have been working on other projects when I'm out and about or visiting friends or family and such. But here are a couple of progress photos on my Monopoly Game Board ... 

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So, now let's talk about the other projects that I've been working on! 

Some of you might remember the pattern from Kincavel Krosses called Rules for Life that I was working on a while back. I finally got back to working on it while I had Monopoly set aside. After I had to rip out all of those stitches, I was pretty discouraged. But now, I've since restitched most of the stitches that I had wrong before and a bit more. I'm really happy to be back to making progress on it. Here is an updated progress photo of Rules for Life ... 

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Another couple of projects are from a couple of online SAL's that I joined that started on June 1st. 

The first one is one of Ursula Michael Words designs. It's called Let's Be Wicked. It's a cute witch's hat design. I really love working on it. A lot of people don't really care too much for back stitching, and these designs are mostly back stitching. But I really enjoy it. I have made a few slight changes to what the design pattern calls for. The words at the top are supposed to have the full stitches in purple and the back stitching around the words in purple. I have stitched the full stitches in black and still did the back stitching in purple. The boot is also supposed to be all purple. I also stitched it with black full stitches and purple back stitching. The cat is supposed to be completely black. However, I stitched his eyes in green. Also, the spider is supposed to be stitched in all purple. Instead, I stitched the full stitches in purple and then did the back stitching in black. Here is what the design looks like and a pictures of my progress so far ... 

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The second one, is a design from Love Thy Thread called Mini Mermaid. The way this SAL works, is each month we get a portion of the pattern. There were a total of five to choose from. I haven't started it just yet, as I'm trying to finish up Let's Be Wicked first. But I'm going to stitch it on white 18ct aida. Here is what the design looks like ... 

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My husband is also participating in the SAL. He is stitching the pattern called Blossom. Originally, I was going to stitch this design. But since my husband works so many hours, and this design isn't solid stitching, that this would be a better design for him to do. He's stitching it on Silkweaver Fabrics Passion Fruit. Here is what the design looks like and the fabric color ... 

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So there we go. Lots of projects going on! But that's all I have for now. 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Success at the County Fair!!!

Hello Everyone!!! 

I haven't made much progress on the Monopoly Game Board bcuz I keep struggling with a way to hold all of that fabric so that I can use my floor stand. I tried using a 9x24 split scroll frame, but that wasn't large enough for the fabric size. So my husband has an idea to make split scroll bars that are longer. My fabric size is 30x36, so I think I will need scroll bars that are 38 or 40 inches long. But my worry is that he won't be able to put the split in the dowels without breaking them. But we'll see. 

Anywho, SO! Remember my WWS Tribal Penguin? Well, I finished it, framed it up and it looked AWESOME!!! So then it was time to enter him into the county fair! And today, was the first day of the fair & I got to find out how I did! 


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I am so excited & happy with my penguin. And I have decided that I'm also going to be entering it into the state fair in October! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March ... Haven't Been Able to Stitch

Hello Friends! 

Well, March has been a busy month for a lot of thing, but stitching has not been one of them. For my kids, baseball season has started, so we have been busy with tryouts and practices. Then this past week we went on a trip to visit family & friends in Texas. It was an awesome visit, but very busy. We just got home late last night and today we are just chillin. So I've been catching up on a few things and getting things put away. Then I'm hoping this afternoon I will be able tog et back into my stitching groove! 

That's all I have for now! 

Until Next Time, 
♥ Margie ♥

Monday, March 3, 2014

Finished the First Page of Monopoly!!!

Hello Friends! 

It has sure been a busy couple of weeks, but I still managed to get a bit of stitching time in. Working on the Monopoly Game Board is a so much fun! I love seeing it come together. And I can't WAIT to have it completed so that we can use it as a functional game board!!! 

I also have a pattern for a Backgammon Game Board and I am planning on making a Checkers/Chess Game Board pattern. So I'm on the hunt for finding some great game board pieces for these. 

The Monopoly Game Board pattern is divided into 8 sections/pages. Yesterday, I finished section/page 1! I think it's looking really good! There are a lot of fractional stitches and also there is a TON of backstitching. So if you're not a fan of backstitching, I do not think you'll like stitching this pattern. I don't mind backstitching at all, so I am all good with it. 

Here is my progress so far on Monopoly Game Board ... 

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That is all I have for now. I hope you all have a great week! 

Happy Stitching, Crafting & Blogging! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Monday, February 10, 2014

Making Some Progress ...

Hi there Friends! 

Well after a couple of good nights of stitching, I'm making some good progress on my Monopoly Game Board. It is really fun to stitch, especially as I'm stitching the spaces on the board bcuz it's so neat to see it come together just like on the actual game board. 

So here is my progress after the weekend stitching ... 

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That is all that I have for today. Feeling a bit tired after being up really late the last couple of nights stitching. You all that stitch know how it goes. The old "just let me finish this row/section" and next thing you know it's hours later lol. 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Friday, February 7, 2014

First Finish of 2014!!!

Hello Friends!!! 

I am very happy to report my first finish of the year! See, it WILL be a year of finishes for me! 

Very early Wednesday morning, I finished the WWS Tribal Penguin! And I really think it came out great! All that I have left to do is iron and frame it, but first I must find the perfect frame. I think a white frame will make it really pop. It would be awesome if I could find a frame that looks like ice or ice cubes or something like that. But I haven't ever seen a frame like that, so I'm sure I will use a white frame. Then in April, I'll be entering my Penguin into the county fair! I'm super excited about it! 

Here is my finished Penguin! 

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After a few hours of sleep, I started on a project that I have been wanting to do for a very long time and I decided that now is that time. I am stitching the Monopoly Game Board! I only worked on it this past Wednesday so far. So I haven't gotten very far yet. For the border of the game board, I decided to stitch it in DMC 550 purple to make it a little bit personalized, since purple is my favorite color. After I finish stitching the game board, I am going to build a table and put the stitched game board on top and then apply a thick poly coating on top so it will be my permanent Monopoly table. It's going to be awesome!

So here is what the Monopoly Game Board will look like ... 

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And here is my start of my progress from this past Wednesday ... 

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I am really excited about this project and can't wait to see it finished! 

That's all that I have for now. Happy Stitching and Crafting! 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Monday, January 6, 2014

It's a New Year & 2014 Will Be a Year of Finishes For Me!

Hi there Friends! 

Yes, I am still here. I have not done hardly any stitching since my last post, as my daughter started having seizures a lot. They now have her on 3 medications and we're hoping that will finally keep the seizures at bay. 

So as I said, it's a new year! And I want to get some finishes under my belt this year!!! I picked back up the WWS Tribal Penguin when I was finally able to go back to the local stitchalong this past Saturday. I didn't get a lot done, but I did have a good time. And I certainly needed that! I'm going to get that finished up and then I am going to stitch the Monopoly board that I have had for quite some time. Once I finish stitching it, we're going to build a table and put a thick poly coating over the top so it will be a permanent Monopoly table! I'm really excited about it & can't wait to see it all finished. 

So the fair will be here in just a few months. I need to get busy if I want to get my penguin and Monopoly table finished in time to enter them! The dates to turn in entries are April 11th-12th. I have never seen anyone enter a piece of furniture with cross stitch as a permanent part of it entered into the fair before. That could be a very good thing! 

I have some awesome news!!! I have opened up my very own Etsy shop! I am working on designing some cross stitch patterns. As of right now, I have one of my cross stitch patterns up for sale in my Etsy shop. There are more in the works and will be released soon! You can find my Etsy shop here ... 

It's a new day, it's a new year, and I'm feeling good!!! 
(yes, I know those aren't the exact lyrics, but they are MY lyrics!) 

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥