Hello Friends, Stitchers & Crafters!
Wow! Where has this year gone?! I can't believe it's almost July and we're just about exactly half way through this year. Time has gone by so fast that I didn't even realize it has been so long since I've posted here on my blog. So, needless to say, I imagine this might be quite the lengthy post. I have several updates to share.
So first, let me tell you about my Monopoly Game Board project. In my last post, I said how I was having trouble working on it with the very large piece of fabric, since the design alone is 24" x 24" and I added extra, of course, to allow for a border. So I put it down for a while and then later, a dear friend lent me her 36" scroll frame, which works great! So I've made some more progress. But being that it's on such a large scroll frame, it's not exactly mobile, so I have been working on other projects when I'm out and about or visiting friends or family and such. But here are a couple of progress photos on my Monopoly Game Board ...
So, now let's talk about the other projects that I've been working on!
Some of you might remember the pattern from Kincavel Krosses called Rules for Life that I was working on a while back. I finally got back to working on it while I had Monopoly set aside. After I had to rip out all of those stitches, I was pretty discouraged. But now, I've since restitched most of the stitches that I had wrong before and a bit more. I'm really happy to be back to making progress on it. Here is an updated progress photo of Rules for Life ...
Another couple of projects are from a couple of online SAL's that I joined that started on June 1st.
The first one is one of Ursula Michael Words designs. It's called Let's Be Wicked. It's a cute witch's hat design. I really love working on it. A lot of people don't really care too much for back stitching, and these designs are mostly back stitching. But I really enjoy it. I have made a few slight changes to what the design pattern calls for. The words at the top are supposed to have the full stitches in purple and the back stitching around the words in purple. I have stitched the full stitches in black and still did the back stitching in purple. The boot is also supposed to be all purple. I also stitched it with black full stitches and purple back stitching. The cat is supposed to be completely black. However, I stitched his eyes in green. Also, the spider is supposed to be stitched in all purple. Instead, I stitched the full stitches in purple and then did the back stitching in black. Here is what the design looks like and a pictures of my progress so far ...

The second one, is a design from Love Thy Thread called Mini Mermaid. The way this SAL works, is each month we get a portion of the pattern. There were a total of five to choose from. I haven't started it just yet, as I'm trying to finish up Let's Be Wicked first. But I'm going to stitch it on white 18ct aida. Here is what the design looks like ...
My husband is also participating in the SAL. He is stitching the pattern called Blossom. Originally, I was going to stitch this design. But since my husband works so many hours, and this design isn't solid stitching, that this would be a better design for him to do. He's stitching it on Silkweaver Fabrics Passion Fruit. Here is what the design looks like and the fabric color ...
So there we go. Lots of projects going on! But that's all I have for now.
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥