Hello to all of my friends, family, blog followers & fellow crafters.
It has been a rough few months. First as you may have read on my previous post from back at the end of January, one of our furbabies, Kira passed away. We all still miss her very much. A couple of weeks after she passed away, I got a tattoo of her pawprint. I thought I'd share with you all.

Not long after that, my 16 yr old daughter, who is autistic, had a huge seizure. She had never had a seizure before and it scared the crap out of me!!! Once the seizure had subsided, she fell asleep right away. We called 911 and the ambulance came. They ran tests, including a CT scan and the only thing they found was that she was really anemic. Since then there have been appointments at her regular doctor, the neurologist, the hospital, etc. So far they haven't found anything as to why she had a seizure. The neurologist did say that kids with autism have a 30% chance of having seizures and they'll either have them when they are young and their bodies are growing or they'll have them when they are teenagers and their hormones are going crazy. She also said that they could just have the one isolated incident, or could have them until they stop growing or the hormones balance out. So not much for answers really so far. They did do an EEG which said that there is a chance that my daughter could have more seizures, but they now want to do an MRI to see if they can determine more. So now we're just waiting for my daughter's insurance to preauthorize the MRI.
Shortly after the incident with my daughter, my father in law passed away suddenly. He was a wonderful man and so kind to everyone who crossed his path. Everyone that knew him loved him. He always had a smile on his face, a hug to give and a joke to tell. He had 5 sons, all of whom were his favorite. He called me "mija" from the first time I met him and welcomed me into the family with open arms. One time, he thanked me for making his son so happy. He was my dad just as much as he was my husband's. My first dad passed away when I was 15 yrs old. My second dad passed away just 13 days before my daughter's first birthday. And now my 3rd dad passed away just 4 days before my son's seventh birthday. Yes, it has been a very rough few months. There certainly have been more downs than ups for us so far this year. And since things happen in threes, I'm hoping we have reached our three and it's nothing but good happenings the rest of the year.
One good that has happened this year, my daughter received a letter for being on the principal's honor roll at school! My mom and grama bought her the letterman jacket & she now has a beautiful letterman jacket with her honors letter on it. She also lettered in varsity golf and should be receiving her letter for that soon so that it can be added to her jacket. We are all so very proud of her.
So with all that has been going on I have gotten very little stitching done these past few months. But when I have stitched, it has been the square for the Shady Hook Elementary quilt. I still have a lot of squares that I need to complete for the families quilts. Here is where I am at the moment for the S.H.E. square ...
So now that things seem to be calming down for the moment, I am going to be busy stitching to get these squares done. Once they are done, I can get back to my WIPs & UFOs.
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥